101 North Second Street
Raton, New Mexico 87740
575.445.7090 Fax: 575.445.7663
Visit: www.hprec.com
High Plains Regional Education Cooperative #3 (HPREC) now offers a pre-bid price agreement for Job Order Contracting effective July 1, 2012. Since HPREC is a state agency (NMSA 1978, 22-2B-3), all school districts, charter schools, State of New Mexico agencies, commissions, institutions, and local public bodies can take advantage of these price agreements pursuant to NMSA 1978, 13-1-129, Procurement Under Existing Contracts.
Job order contracting (JOC) is a way for organizations to get numerous, commonly encountered construction projects done quickly and easily through multi-year contracts. JOC reduces unnecessary levels of engineering, design, and contract procurement time along with construction project procurement costs by awarding long-term contracts for a wide variety of renovation, repair and construction projects. A major element of the JOC contracting process is the use of a unit price book (RS Means), which provides preset costs for specific construction tasks. The unit price book can cover nearly every construction, repair or maintenance task, whether it’s replacing air filters, installing carpeting, replacing windows or doors, painting or it can be limited to specific areas of work or a particular trade.
For each project, the agency and the contractor follow the same five steps: (1) Conduct a joint scope meeting at the site to review and discuss the work and the construction schedule; (2) prepare a detailed scope of work; (3) contractor prepares a price proposal using unit prices from RS Means, quantities, and coefficient, and submits a proposed construction schedule, list of subcontractors and other documents required by the agency; (4) agency reviews price proposal to make sure the right tasks and quantities were used; (5) if agency is 100% satisfied with price, schedule, subcontractors, etc. owner may issue a purchase order for the project, at which time HPREC can be contacted to issue the price agreement.
Price agreements have been awarded to:
Mr. Jeffrey Romero
STOVEN Construction, Inc.
2709 Vassar Place NE #F | Albuquerque, NM 87107
For inquiries, contact Steve Aguirre or Gary Gabriele at:
High Plains Regional Education Cooperative #3
101 North 2nd Street
Raton, NM 87740 (575)445-7090
Website: www.hprec.com
Email: saguirre@hprec.com">saguirre@hprec.com, ggabriele@hprec.com">ggabriele@hprec.com